Articles on: Notifications

Introduction to the Notification Flows


In this article, we explore the definitions of various notification flows and conditional split and trigger split filters within the AfterShip Tracking's notification flow. These notification flows encompass various stages of customer engagement, from email interactions to cart behavior and shopping activities. Understanding these flows and events is vital for timely communication and actions. Additionally, we delve into conditional split filters, which enable businesses to segment customers based on specific conditions, such as cart value, order history, and demographic attributes.

What you'll learn

In this tutorial, we'll discuss:

Notification flows and their definitions
Conditional split filters and definitions
Trigger split filters and definitions

Notification flows and their definitions

The table below provides a comprehensive overview of various notification flows and flow logic elements involved in managing shipments and orders effectively.

Feature nameSub feature nameDefinitionWho can access it?
Shipment status flow triggerInfo receivedA trigger event related to receiving information about the shipment status.All users
In transitA trigger event indicating that the shipment is currently in transit.All users
Out for deliveryA trigger event denoting that the shipment is out for delivery to the recipient.All users
Available for pick upA trigger event indicating that the shipment is ready and available for the recipient to pick up.All users
DeliveredA trigger event confirming the successful delivery of the shipment.All users
ExceptionA trigger event indicating an exceptional circumstance or issue with the shipment.All users
Failed attemptA trigger event indicating a failed attempt to deliver the shipment.All users
Split order summaryAll split order shipments deliveredA trigger that all shipments associated with a split order have been delivered.Commerce API, eCommerce platform, order CSV
Pre-shipment status flow triggerOrder fulfilled/partially fulfilled/unfufilledA trigger event based on the fulfillment status of an order.Commerce API, eCommerce platform, order CSV
Order placedA trigger event indicating that the order is received but not yet processed.Commerce API, eCommerce platform, order CSV
Order cancelledA trigger event indicating that the order is cancelled.Commerce API, eCommerce platform, order CSV
ProcessingA trigger event indicating that the order is being processed.Commerce API
Custom statusA trigger event that that order is updated to the custom status.Commerce API
In-store pickup status flow triggerOrder placedA trigger event indicating that the in-store pickup order is received.Shopify, Commerce API
Order processingA trigger event indicating that the in-store pickup order is being prepared for pickup.Commerce API
Order ready for pickupA trigger event indicating that the in-store pickup order is ready to be picked up from the pickup location.Shopify, Commerce API
Order picked upA trigger event indicating that the in-store pickup order is picked up from the pickup location.Shopify, Commerce API
Order cancelledA trigger event that the in-store pickup order is cancelled.Shopify, Commerce API
Custom statusA trigger event that the in-store pickup order is updated to the custom status.Commerce API
Estimated delivery date flow triggerEstimated delivery date revisedA trigger event indicating a revision or update to the estimated delivery date of an order.All users
Estimated delivery date missedA trigger event signifying that the estimated delivery date for an order has passed.All users
Trigger frequencyShipments can never re-trigger this flow after [For shipment status trigger]When a shipment has already been processed within a specific shipment status update flow, it will be excluded from any further triggering or reprocessing. For example, if a shipment has triggered a transit notification once in the flow, it won't be retriggered to avoid redundancy.All users
Order fulfillment can never re-trigger this flow after [Not applicable to order placed and cancelled triggers]Similarly, this feature enables skipping or bypassing the fulfillment process for orders that have already been fulfilled within the flow. It ensures that orders that have already undergone fulfillment don't go through the fulfillment process again, preventing redundant actions and unnecessary handling of already fulfilled orders.All users
Flow running logicConditonal splitA logical branch within a flow where actions are taken based on specific conditions depending on customer's historical behaviors or customer attributesAll users
Flow filterFlow filter and conditional split are similar in that they both utilize customer historical behaviors or attributes. The key distinction is that flow filter acts as a global filter applied to the entire flow, checking conditions before each step. Customers must meet these filter conditions to progress through the flow.All users
Trigger splitA logical branch within a flow that splits based on specific trigger events or conditions depending on the values or parameters associated with the triggering event.All users
Trigger filterTrigger filter and trigger split share similarities as they both utilize the parameters of a trigger's event. However, the key distinction lies in their roles: while trigger split determines how the flow branches based on the event's parameters, trigger filter specifically determines which event triggers the flow to start or proceed.All users
Random splitA random selection or branching within a flow that distributes recipients randomly among 2 paths.All users
Flow running timingTime delayA specified delay or waiting period within a flow before executing the next action or step.All users
Trigger status unchangedA condition within a flow that checks if the trigger status remains unchanged before proceeding to the next step.All users
Flow actionsSend email to customerThe action of sending an email to the customer as part of an automated flow.All users
Send SMS to customerThe action of sending an SMS text message to the customer as part of an automated flow.All users
Send email to org memberThe action of sending an email to an organization member as part of an automated flow.All users
Send SMS to org memberThe action of sending an SMS text message to an organization member as part of an automated flow.All users

Conditional split filters and definitions

The table below provides an insightful overview of various customer behavior and attributes tracked within the AfterShip platform. From campaign interactions to shopping behavior and customer attributes, this comprehensive list offers valuable insights into customer engagement, preferences, and demographics.

CategoryFilterDefinitionWho can access it?
Campaign behaviorInteracted with emails - Number of emails receivedTotal count of emails received by customers from AfterShip, including tracking notifications via our tracking app and marketing emails sent via our Automizely Marketing app.All users
Interacted with emails - Number of emails openedNumber of emails that customers have opened among those sent from AfterShip, including tracking notifications and marketing emails sent via our Automizely Marketing app.All users
Interacted with emails - Number of emails clickedNumber of emails that customers have clicked on among those sent from AfterShip, including tracking notifications via our tracking app and marketing emails sent via our Automizely Marketing app.All users
Interacted with emails - Did not receive any emailsCustomers who have not received any emails sent from AfterShip, including tracking notifications via our tracking app and marketing emails sent via our Automizely Marketing app.All users
Interacted with emails - Did not click any emailsCustomers who have not clicked on any emails sent from AfterShip, including tracking notifications via our tracking app and marketing emails sent via our Automizely Marketing app.All users
Have not entered the flowCustomers who have not yet been triggered or initiated any specific tracking, order, or EDD (Estimated Delivery Date) flow within the system.All users
Cart BehaviorCurrent cart valueCurrent value (total price) of items in a customer's shopping cart on the website.Shopify users
Current number of cart itemsCurrent count of items in a customer's shopping cart on the website.Shopify users
Products in cartSpecific products currently present in a customer's shopping cart.Shopify users
Products viewedProducts that a customer has viewed in their browsing session [only logged-in users will be tracked.]Shopify users
Shopping BehaviorTotal spent (in last 30d)Total amount spent by a customer within the last 30 days.Shopify users
Avg. order valueAverage value of all orders placed by a customer.Shopify users
Number of recent ordersNumber of orders placed by a customer within a recent timeframe.Shopify users
Total orders with couponTotal number of orders made by a customer using a coupon.Shopify users
Total orders without couponTotal number of orders made by a customer without using a coupon.Shopify users
First order dateDate when a customer placed their first order.Shopify users
Last order dateMost recent date when a customer placed an order.Shopify users
Purchased productsSpecific products that a customer has purchased.Shopify users
Customer AttributesCountry/regionCustomer's country/region.Shopify users
Email addressCustomer's email address.All users
Shopify tagTags assigned to customers in the Shopify platform.Shopify users
Email marketing subscriptionIdentification of customers who have opted in or out of email marketing communications.Shopify users
Email marketing suppressionIdentifications of customers that are excluded from receiving marketing emails. These customers are identified based on their suppression status like hard bounced, soft bounced, marked email as spam, and not suppressed.Shopify users
Soft bounced: It indicates that the email could not be delivered due to a temporary issue.
Hard bounced: It indicates that the email cannot be delivered to the recipient due to reasons such as invalid email address, domain name issues, or blocked emails.
Marked as spam: It indicates that the recipient has marked the sender email as spam (or junk) or it has gone straight to recipient's spam inbox.
Not suppressed: It indicates that an email address is not on a suppression list, meaning it is eligible to receive emails.
SMS marketing subscriptionIdentification of customers who have subscribed or unsubscribed from SMS marketing communications.Shopify users
SMS marketing suppressionIdentifications of customers that are excluded from receiving marketing SMS marketing communications. These customers are identified based on their suppression status like bounced and not suppressed.Shopify users
Customer created dateDate when a customer's account was created.Shopify users

Trigger split filters and definitions

The table below provides an insightful overview of various shipment, carrier, and order information tracked within the AfterShip platform.

Trigger categoryFilterDefinitionWho can access it?
Split order, Pre-shipment status & In-store pickup statusProducts in orderSpecific products included in a customer's order.Commerce API, eCommerce platform
Order valueThe total value of the order placed by customer.Commerce API, eCommerce platform, order CSV
Order statusThe current state of the order throughout its journey (e.g., open, closed, and cancelled).Commerce API, eCommerce platform, order CSV
Destination country/regionThe geographical location where the order is intended to be shipped.Commerce API, eCommerce platform, order CSV
SourceThe eCommerce platform or channel through which the order was imported to AfterShip.Commerce API, eCommerce platform, order CSV
Order numberA unique identifier assigned to each order.Commerce API, eCommerce platform, order CSV
Order IDA unique identifier assigned to a specific order placed by a customerCommerce API, eCommerce platform, order CSV
Product typeThe category or type of products purchased by customer.Commerce API, eCommerce platform
Shopify order tagsTags or labels assigned to orders in Shopify to categorize or identify them based on certain criteria.Shopify users
Shipment status & Estimated delivery dateSub statusThe current sub-status of the shipment.All users
Origin country/regionThe sender's country/region that the shipment is shipping from.All users
Destination country/regionThe recipient's country/region that the shipment is shipping to.All users
SourceThe channel through which the shipment was imported to AfterShip.All users
Transit timeTotal transit time of the shipment in days For delivered shipments: Transit time (in days) = Delivered date - Pick-up date For undelivered shipments: Transit time (in days) = Current date - Pick-up dateAll users
Custom fieldsThe customized data field you add in shipments to display additional information that is not covered by standard fields.All users
Estimated delivery dateThe projected date on which a shipment is expected to arrive at its destination.All users
Shipment tagA label or identifier that can be assigned to a shipment to categorize or mark it for specific handling or processing.All users
Products in shipmentSpecific products included in the shipment.Commerce API, eCommerce platform, order CSV
SlugAfterShip's unique code of courier. Please refer to users
Carrier service typeThe type of shipping service provided by the carrier.All users
Order numberA unique identifier for the order that the shipment is associated with.Commerce API, eCommerce platform, order CSV
Order IDA unique identifier assigned to a specific order placed by a customerCommerce API, eCommerce platform, order CSV
Shopify order tagsTags or labels assigned to orders in Shopify to categorize or identify them based on certain criteria that the shipment is associated with.Shopify users
Shipment statusOrder contains multiple shipmentsThe order is shipped by multiple shipments, which the shipment belongs to.Commerce API, eCommerce platform, order CSV

Updated on: 04/10/2024

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