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Learn More About Shipment Dashboard Data Variables


Find the complete list of Basic, Advanced, to Custom Fields filters along with their definitions and how each can be used in combination with another to drill down shipments data tailored to your specific needs.

Supported filters

Here are the list of filters from basic, advanced, to custom that you can use to filter your shipment data based on specific business requirements.

The filters are divided into three categories.

General: Filter shipments based on the general information like carrier, destination, source, etc.
Timeline: Filter shipments based on the specific dates and timelines like estimated delivery date, pickup date, shipment creation date, and more
Events: Filter shipments based on the specific events that happened with the shipment like latest location, issues, latest checkpoint date, and more

General filtersDefinition
StatusCurrent status of the shipment (e.g., in transit, delivered)
Carrier/ServiceCarrier responsible for the shipping and delivery of the shipment.
Shipping methodMethod of shipping chosen by the customer (e.g., ground, air, water, etc).
OriginLocation where the shipment is sent from.
DestinationFinal delivery location of the shipment.
TagsKeywords or labels assigned to the shipment for categorization.
Shopify tagsKeywords or labels assigned to the order associated with the shipment for categorization in Shopify
SourceThe source from where the shipments is imported. E.g., Shopify, Tracking API etc.
StoreName of the store from which the order was made. The stores linked to your account from where the shipment is imported will be shown.
VendorAn individual or brand that is selling the items

Timeline filtersDefinition
Order dateThe ordered date of the shipment.
Ship dateDate when the shipment was dispatched.
Pickup dateDate when the shipment was picked up by the carrier.
Delivery dateThe delivered date of the shipment.
Created dateThe date that the shipment created in AfterShip Tracking.
Promised delivery dateThe date of the latest checkpoint of the shipment.
Estimated delivery dateThe date of the latest checkpoint of the shipment.
Transit timeTotal delivery time in days.
On-time statusDescribing whether the tracking is delivered on time or not.

Events filtersDefinition
IssuesAny problems encountered during shipping (e.g., Returned to sender, Shipment lost, and Shipment damaged).
List of issues
Returned to sender
Shipment lost
Shipment damaged
Lastest locationThe location of the latest checkpoint of the shipment.
Latest update dateThe date of the latest checkpoint of the shipment.
Historical events (beta)Historical events of a shipment.
List of events
Shipment canceled
Redelivery scheduled
Shipment dropped off at a collection point
Misrouted rerouted
Rejected by recipient
Delivered to neighbor
Signed by customer
Delivered to a location
Held by customs (More to come)
Specific events The specific events filter in AfterShip Tracking assists users in filtering shipments based on events that occurred at a designated time or location and were triggered by a particular reason.
Custom fieldsAdditional fields specific to the business needs. Custom fields are added by business themselves for better shipments management and reporting purposes.

Advanced filtersDefinition
Only available for users on Enterprise Advanced plan
Last mile carrierCarrier responsible for the final delivery leg of the shipment.
First mile transit timeThe time between the first carrier picking up/receiving the shipment and when they hand it over to the last mile carrier.
Last mile transit timeThe time between the last mile carrier receiving the shipment and delivering to the customer.
Failed delivery attemptsNumber of unsuccessful attempts to deliver the shipment.

Carbon emissions (Contact sales team to unlock)Estimated environmental impact of the shipment in terms of carbon output.

Advanced events

Here is the list of advanced events you can use for a more microscopic view of your shipments.

EventsReasonsDefinitionExample checkpoint
Shipment canceledThe shipment has been voided or canceled by the sender or carrier.
Redelivery scheduledAn attempt to deliver the shipment failed. The carrier will try again.e.g.1. We tried to deliver the package, but the receiver was unavailable and the delivery agent needs a signature as proof. A second attempt will be made the next business day. We'll contact the sender or receiver about this delivery. e.g.2. The receiver has moved. We're attempting to obtain a new delivery address for this receiver. Your delivery has been rescheduled for the next business day.
No access to delivery locationThe carrier had no access to the delivery location at the time of delivery.
Absent recipientThe customer was not at the given address.
Business closedThe business was closed at the time of delivery.
Customer movedThe customer is no longer at the given address.
Dropped off at a collection pointThe shipment has been dropped off at a collection point for the customer to collect it.
MisroutedThe shipment has arrived at an incorrect address or checkpoint. The carrier must reroute the package.We've misrouted the package. This may cause a delay.
ReroutedThe shipment's delivery address has been changed.Delivery address changed
Rejected by recipientDelivery of the shipment failed as the customer refused to accept the package.The receiver states the product was not ordered and has refused the delivery. Your delivery has been rescheduled for the next business day.
Delivered to neighborThe shipment has been left with a neighbor.
Signed by customerThe shipment has been delivered and signed for by the customer.Signature obtained
Delivered to a locationThe shipment has been delivered to the address or specified location.Shipment has been delivered to consignee
Return to senderThe customer has requested to return the shipment to the sender. The shipment was not collected by the customer.e.g.1. Incomplete address information may delay delivery. We are attempting to update this information. The package is being returned to the sender at a different service level. e.g.2. The maximum days to hold the package at the UPS Access Point™ location expired. The package will be returned.
No access to delivery locationThe carrier had no access to the delivery location at the time of delivery.
Customer movedThe customer is no longer at the given address.
Incorrect missing addressThe shipment has an incorrect or missing address.
Unclaimed parcelThe shipment was not collected by the customer.
Held by customsThe shipment has been held at customs.Your shipment is being held under the General Order regulations and may be taken into customs possession. / Your package is on the way
Prohibited itemThe shipment has been found to include prohibited items.
Shipment lostThe shipment was lost.
Shipment damagedThe shipment was damaged.Damage noted by consignee, partial receipt accepted
Shipment undeliveredThe shipment can't be delivered.
Unable to collect paymentThe carrier was unable to collect payment at the time of delivery.
Outside delivery limitsThe shipment has arrived at a carrier facility that no longer covers the customer's address.
Incorrect/Missing addressThe shipment has an incorrect or missing address.
No such numberThe delivery address has a nonexistent house/apartment number.
Shipment updateThe carrier has sent an update regarding the shipment.

Filter options

Property type

Property typeDescriptionExample
StringStatusA shipment only have one value under this property.For example, Status is a string property, as a shipment only have one status
On-time status
ArrayA shipment have multiple values under this property.For example, Tags is an array property, as a shipment have one of multiple tags.
Shopify order tags
Shopify tags
Historical Events
Custom field keys
Date/TimeEstimated delivery dateThe date to a specific process/milestone of a shipment.
Order promised date
Order date
Create date
Pickup date
Delivery date
Latest updated at
NumericalTransit time

Filter options for String property

Filter optionsDefinitionExample
is any ofA Shipment's property must have at least one of these values to be included in the list.For example, if you filter by Status and select is any of In Transit or Info Received, the shipments list will include Shipments with status that is either In Transit or Info Received
is none ofA Shipment's property must not have all of these values to be included in the list.For example, if you filter by Status and select is none of In Transit or Info Received , the shipments list will include Shipments with status that is neither In Transit nor Info Received

Filter options for Array property

Filter optionsDefinitionExample
is any ofFor Array properties, a shipment’s property must have at least one of the selected values to be included in the list.For example, if you filter by Tags and select is any of Restock, Approved, the shipments list will include Shipments with tags contains either Approved or Restock.
is none ofFor Array properties, a shipment’s property must have at least one of the selected values to be included in the list.For example, if you filter by Tags and select is none of Restock, Approved, the shipments list will include Shipments with tags contains neither Approved nor Restock.
is all ofFor Array properties, a shipment’s property must have all of these values to be included in the list.For example, if you filter by Tags and select is all of Restock, Approved, the shipments list will include Shipments with tags contains both Approved and Restock.
is nullAll Shipments that do not have a value for the property will be included in the list.For example, if you filter by Tags and select is null, the shipments list will include Shipments without tags.
is not nullAll Shipments with a value for the property will be included in the list.For example, if you filter by Tags and select is not null, the shipments list will include Shipments with atleast one tag.

Filter options for Date/Time property

Filter optionsDefinitionExample
is betweenA record’s property must have a date value that is equal to or after the first selected date and equal to or before the second selected date to be included in the list.
is equal toA record’s property must have a date value that is exactly the selected date to be included in the list.
beforeA record’s property must have a date value that is before the selected date to be included in the list.
afterA record’s property must have a date value that is after the selected date to be included in the list.
is nullAll Shipments that do not have a value for the property will be included in the list.For example, if you filter by Estimated delivery date and select is null, the shipments list will include Shipments without Estimated delivery date.
is not nullAll Shipments with a value for the property will be included in the list.For example, if you filter by Estimated delivery date and select is not null, the shipments list will include Shipments with Estimated delivery date.
is in the last x daysA record’s property must have a date value that is in the last number of days you enter.For example, if you filter by Latest updated at and select is in the last 7 days, the shipments list will include Shipments with Latest updated at in the last 7 days.
not in the last x daysA record’s property must not have a date value that is in the last number of days you enter.For example, if you filter by Latest updated at and select not in the last 7 days, the shipments list will include Shipments list that is not Latest updated in the last 7 days.
(i) The records with empty values will not be included. (ii) last x days counts today
updated in last x daysA record's property must have been updated within the last number of days you enter.For example, if you filter by Estimated delivery date and select updated in the last 7 days, the shipments list will include Shipments with Estimated delivery date updated in the last 7 days.
(i)* Only applies to filters: Estimated delivery date and filter. (ii) Update include a value get revised/turned empty/added. (iii) last x days counts today
not updated in last x daysA record's property must not have been updated within the last number of days you enter.For example, if you filter by Estimated delivery date and select not updated in the last 7 days, the shipments list will include Shipments with Estimated delivery date without any updates in the last 7 days.
(i) Only applies to filters: Estimated delivery date and filter. (ii) The records with empty values will not be included. (iii) last x days counts today
is in the next x daysA record’s property must have a date value that is in the next number of days you enter.For example, if you filter by Estimated delivery date and select is in the next 7 days, the shipments list will include Shipments with Estimated delivery date in the next 7 days.
(i) Only applies to filters Estimated delivery date and Order promised date

Filter options for Numerical property

Filter optionsDescription
is equal toEquals
is between X and YGreater than or equal to X, but Less than or equal to Y
is greater thanGreater than
is greater than or equal toGreater than or equal to
is less thanLess than
is less than or equal toLess than or equal to

Uses cases

Use casesFilter combinations
Specific events
Rerouted shipmentsHistorical event is any of Rerouted
Returned caused by missing or incorrect address(i) Historical event is any of Returned to sender (ii) Reason is any of Incorrect/Missing Address
Held by custom clearance at HK(i) Historical event is any of Held by customs (ii) Event date is today (iii) Location is any of HK
Stalled shipments
Scenario 1 - Pending carrier to ship: It happens when a tracking number and the shipping label is already generated, where indeed information was only sent digitally but the package is still not shipped. When this tracking number is not updated with a status after 1-2 days I need an internal note to inform me.
Scenario 2 - Carrier not moving for a period: It happens when a carrier is carrying a parcel but the status is not updated for a while, potentially caused by exception scenarios. E.g. The package is Lost
Shipments with no updates for X daysLatest update is not in last X days
Shipments with no updates for 5 days since Shipping label created(i) Latest update is not in last X days (ii) Status is any of info received
Shipment estimations
EDD revised in last weekEstimated delivery date is updated in last 7 days
Arriving tomorrowEstimated delivery date is in the next 1 day
Shipments without EDDEstimated delivery date is null
Estimated to be late than the order promised day(i) Estimated delivery date is after YYYY-MM-DD (ii) Order promised date is before YYYY-MM-DD
Lastly checked in California that is currently under exception (because of a hurricane)(i) Latest location is any of California (ii) Status is any of Exception

Updated on: 22/10/2024

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