Articles on: Admin Settings

Send Internal Notifications to Organization Members

Plans: All plans Platforms: All platforms


AfterShip Feed’s Organization Notifications feature allows you to align important business updates and exceptional situations with other organization (account) members by sending them weekly and time-sensitive emails and alerts. You can also manage who you want to send these notifications and alerts to by selecting specific registered members for particular notifications.

Additional considerations

Only owners and admins can enable/disable notifications
Only owners and admins can edit member configuration
Managers, support agents, and other members can only view notifications

Set up internal notifications

Go to Organization admin and select AfterShip Feed
Move to Notifications > Feed

Notifications are enabled by default and you cannot disable them

Click Manage. A complete list of all your organization members (owner and admins) will be displayed. Search the member by name or email address, or just select the checkbox of the desired member and hit Confirm

Multiple selections are supported

Under the General category, you get two notification types

a. Quota alert: An email notification will be sent when you’ve used up 80% of your quota, and again when you’ve used up all of your quota.

Under the Issues and alerts category, you get two notification types

a. TikTok Shop authorization expiring: A notification will be sent when the TikTok Shop authorization is about to expire or already expired.

b. Order or tracking number sync failed: A notification will be sent under two circumstances.

A tracking number fails to sync to TikTok Shop.
A TikTok Shop order fails to sync to eCommerce.

Updated on: 15/12/2023

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