Articles on: Analytics

Learn About AfterShip Personalization Analytics


AfterShip Personalization is engineered to help you grow your AOV and maximize the profit for every sale. This tutorial will take you through AfterShip Personalization’s overview and detailed analytics dashboard and what each metric can tell you about your business’s current personalization campaign progress.

What you’ll learn

In this article, we will show you:

Billing Revenue vs Analytics Revenue
Home page data analytics
Scenario-specific data analytics
Personalization widgets analytics

Billing Revenue vs Analytics Revenue

You will see two types of revenues mentioned on the AfterShip Personalization admin.

Billing Revenue

Personalization revenue quota (Billing revenue)

Every AfterShip Personalization pricing plan has an orders quota and revenue quota they can generate via AfterShip Personalization without being charged. The Billing revenue is the total revenue generated via AfterShip Personalization’s cross-sell and upsell campaigns in a current billing cycle (or specified billing cycle), used primarily for billing purposes. If the current revenue quota exceeds the prescribed limit, it will be automatically upgraded to the next plan.

Refund orders are not considered in calculating billing revenue. In simple terms, refund orders do not affect your billing quota for the month.
Personalization revenue per month is calculated based on the exact month after the first payment.

For example, you subscribed and paid for an AfterShip Personalization plan on 1st January 2024 and decided to track the revenue status on 8th February 2024. The Personalization upsell revenue per month displayed on the admin will be from 1st February to 1st March 2024

Analytics Revenue

Analytics Revenue

The Analytics Revenue or Personalization revenue is the total cross-sell and upsell revenue generated by AfterShip Personalization over a specified period, used for tracking the performance of the ongoing or past campaigns

Refund orders are considered in calculating personalization revenue to arrive at the exact numbers
Analytics revenue is calculated based on the selected date range. It can be Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 12 months, All time, or Custom.

For example, you subscribed and paid for an AfterShip Personalization plan on 1st January 2024 and decided to track the revenue status on 8th February 2024. The 30-day personalization revenue displayed on the admin will be from 9th January to 8th February 2024

Additional information

Analytics Time Zone: All the data analysis is done based on the timezone set for your store
Data analysis for multiple currency orders: AfterShip Personalization converts the different order currencies into the primary currency set in your eCommerce platform. However, the currency rates may vary compared to the ones shown in the Shopify admin due to different data sources and data delays.
Unresponsive data exporting: It may be due to the browser blocking the pop-up window. Please allow the relevant settings to export data effortlessly.
Smart cart’s revenue: Different sections such as upsells items and upgrade to subscription will also contribute to the overall revenue, order and line items.

Home page data analytics

The Home page of the AfterShip Personalization admin gives you a panoramic view of the total revenue generated via AfterShip Personalization in the last 30 days along with the revenue quota and the number of total orders quota you have reached so far in the current billing cycle with the help of Personalization’s smart offers and widgets.

Each metric has a tooltip explaining more about the data points

To view specific data in the charts, hover over the data point in the line chart (see below). The data shows revenue generated via AfterShip Personalization campaigns on a particular day.

Let’s see what each data point on the overview dashboard means.

Data pointDefinitionFormula
Lifetime Personalization revenueThe total revenue generated by Personalization since it was installed in your store.
30-day Personalization revenueThe revenue generated by Personalization in the last 30 days.
30-day Personalization revenue %The percentage of total store revenue generated by Personalization in the last 30 days.30-day Personalization revenue % = [Personalization revenue / total store revenue] * 100
Personalization revenue quotaYour online store’s total revenue generated by AfterShip Personalization in the current billing cycle, excluding refunds.
Order quotaThe total number of orders placed in your store in the current billing cycle, excluding refund orders.
Cycle quotaIt is the period during which customer subscriptions are billed.

Scenario-specific data analytics

For each pre and post-purchase scenario—Checkout page, Post-purchase page, and Thank you page, Home page, Product page, Cart page, and Cart popup, you can track the progress and performance of the offers, promotions, and widgets over a specified period of your choice.

Data can be filtered by date range. It can be Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 12 months, All time, or Custom. Click Apply, once you have adjusted the filters at the top of the page to refresh and apply the new filter

When filtering data to a specified period, AfterShip Personalization pulls revenue data tied back to orders created in that time frame in Shopify
Filtering down data for unique visitors and conversion rate over a specified period will fetch data based on promotional offers and product recommendations running in that specific period

Let’s see what all data points are available for different pre and post-purchase scenarios.

Data pointDefinitionFormula
Unique visitorsHow many store visitors saw the widget
Conversion rateThe percentage of store visitors who purchased your cross-sell or upsell productsConversion rate = [Converted visitors / Unique visitors] * 100
Click rateThe percentage of store visitors who saw the widget that clicked. If a visitor clicks product images or buttons multiple times, it counts as one clickClick rate = [Unique clicks/ unique visitors] * 100
Converted rateHow many store visitors who purchased your cross-sell or upsell products
RevenueThe revenue generated by AfterShip Personalization through the product recommendations and smart offers

Personalization widgets analytics

The AfterShip Personalization’s Analytics dashboard gives a detailed rundown of how successful your current or past cross-sell and upsell campaigns have been in boosting your business’s AOV and improving revenue generation over a specified period.

Select the date range to filter down data. By default, the date range would be set to the Last 30 days.

Click on the calendar icon, select the date range from the dropdown, and mark the starting and ending dates on the calendar. Click Apply once you have set the date range at the top of the page to refresh the data

The analytics page is divided into 4 key sections, highlighting the overall progress and key indicators in all the personalization widgets

A. Overview dashboard
B. Revenue dashboard
C. Orders dashboard
D. Products dashboard

Let’s talk about each of these dashboards in detail and understand what data points each dashboard highlights and tells us about the performance of our widgets.

A. Overview Analytics Dashboard

The overview dashboard drills down the performance of the personalization widgets into 5 major data points: Revenue, Orders, Line items, Average order size, and Average basket size.

The top part of the page highlights the data of the following metrics.

Data pointDefinitionFormula
Total revenueYour online store’s total revenueTotal revenue = gross sales - discounts
Total ordersThe total number of orders placed in your store
Total line itemsThe total number of line items purchased
Personalization revenueThe cross-sell and upsell revenue generated by Personalization
Personalization ordersThe number of orders including products added through Personalization
Personalization line itemsThe number of line items added to orders through Personalization

Each metric has a tooltip explaining more about the data point

Personalization attribution over time

Below the above-mentioned data points, the data and line chart highlighting the 3 major Personalization attributes will be displayed showcasing the numbers over a specified period with a tooltip explaining more about that specific data point

Personalization revenue %The percentage of your store revenue generated by PersonalizationPersonalization revenue % = [Personalization revenue / total revenue] * 100
Personalization orders %he percentage of orders including products added through PersonalizationPersonalization orders % = [Personalization orders / total orders] * 100
Personalization line items %The percentage of line items added to orders through PersonalizationPersonalization line items % = [Personalization line items / total line items] * 100

Each data point can be tracked with its corresponding color line mentioned below the chart
To view specific data in the charts, hover over the data point in the line chart

Average order value

The next set of metrics defines the overall boost AfterShip Personalization could bring in your average order value over the time. The key data points in the form of a formula will be displayed with a tooltip explaining more about that specific data point.

Average order value (AOV) tracks the average amount spent each time a customer places an order on your website

Data pointDefinitionFormula
AOV without PersonalizationThe average order value excluding products added through PersonalizationAOV without Personalization = [gross sales (without Personalization) - discounts] / total orders
AOV with PersonalizationThe average order value including products added through PersonalizationAOV with Personalization = [gross sales (with Personalization) - discounts] / total orders
AOV boost The average boost in AOV generated by PersonalizationAOV boost = AOV with Personalization - AOV without Personalization

A line chart highlighting the data points will be displayed showcasing the numbers over a specified period
Each data point can be tracked with its corresponding color line mentioned below the chart
To view specific data in the charts, hover over the data point in the line chart

Average basket size

The next set of metrics defines the overall boost AfterShip Personalization could bring in your average basket size over the time. The key data points in the form of a formula will be displayed with a tooltip explaining more about that specific data point.

Average basket size is the number of items or products a customer buys in a single transaction.

Data pointDefinitionFormula
Average basket size without PersonalizationThe average number of products customers purchased, excluding products added through Personalization
Average basket size with PersonalizationThe average number of products customers purchased, including products added through Personalization
Average boost ↥in basket sizeThe average number of items customers added to their order through PersonalizationAverage boost in basket size = Average basket size with Personalization - Average basket size without Personalization

A line chart highlighting the data points will be displayed showcasing the numbers over a specified period
Each data point can be tracked with its corresponding color line mentioned below the chart
To view specific data in the charts, hover over the data point in the line chart
To export the data for further analysis, click ↥ Export CSV to export the analytics report to your registered email address

B. Revenue Analytics Dashboard

The Revenue Dashboard puts together the upsell revenue generated through smart offers, smart content, and product recommendations on different pre and post-purchase scenarios, and the smart upsell widgets over a specified period.

Personalization revenue by scenario

At the extreme top, a pie diagram showcasing the upsell revenue contributed by different scenarios will be displayed. Each slice of the pie represents the % contribution by different scenarios to the overall upsell revenue.
Below the pie diagram, a data chart breaking down the information on how each scenario contributed to the overall upsell revenue will be given
The chart showcases the number of products, total sales, discount offered, and revenue generated through product recommendations and smart offers on different pre and post-purchase scenarios

Data pointDefinitionFormula
QuantityThe total number of cross-sell and upsell products purchased
SalesThe gross sales from cross-sell and upsell products
Discount The total discount offered on the cross-sell and upsell product
RevenueThe cross-sell or upsell revenue generated by the product/ scenarioRevenue = gross sales - discounts
% of totalThe percentage of the total cross-sell and upsell revenue generated by each scenario

Each scenario’s top performing products will be mentioned along with the number of units sold, gross sales, and revenue generated by each one of them

#### Personalization revenue by widget

Another pie diagram showcasing the upsell revenue contributed by different upsell widgets currently running or deleted will be displayed. Each slice of the pie represents the % contribution by different widgets to the overall upsell revenue.
Below the pie diagram, a data chart breaking down the information on how each widget contributed to the overall upsell revenue will be given
The chart showcases the number of products sold, total sales achieved, discount offered, and revenue generated through each widget on different pre and post-purchase scenarios
Each widget’s top performing products will be mentioned along with the number of units sold, gross sales, and revenue generated by each one of them
To export the data for further analysis, click ↥ Export CSV to export the analytics report to your registered email address

C. Orders Analytics Dashboard

The Orders Dashboard gives a detailed analysis of the orders placed by customers after seeing the cross-sell and upsell offers set up via AfterShip Personalization, when they were placed, fulfillment status, payment status, the scenario from where the order was placed, and the total revenue generated over the specified period.

By default, combined orders from all scenariosHome page, Cart, Product page, Cart popup, Checkout page, Post-purchase page, Tracking page, and Thank you page offer will be displayed. You can filter the data by selecting the scenario for which you wish to see the data.

You can click the Order number (for example #1095) and will be directed to the detailed order detail page in Shopify.

Items ordered via AfterShip Personalization’s upsell and cross-sell widgets will have offer, scene, and event IDs indicating the same. They will be formatted as {_apz_offer_id:}, {_apz_scene_id:}, and {_apz_event_id:}
The items on which AfterShip Personalization promotional offers are applied like discount and free shipping, will have the same written below the item entry

To export the data for further analysis, click ↥ Export CSV to export the analytics report to your registered email address

D. Products Analytics Dashboard

The Products Analytics dashboard displays the performance of the recommended products in generating the upsell revenue.

The top section of the dashboard showcases the top 5 products that generated the highest Personalization revenue and the top 5 personalization products that are sold the maximum

You can view the list of all the products that generated revenue via AfterShip Personalization offers and widgets

- Search the product by name to view data for a specific product in a click
- The chart also displays the number of units sold, total sales achieved, discount offered, revenue generated, and the percentage of total cross-sell and upsell revenue generated by the product

You can also check the top cross-selling products which were sold the maximum and the ones you can use to optimize your product recommendation rules

Along with the list of top cross-sell products for your best-sellers, you can also check the following metrics for each

Data pointDefinitionFormula
Original product The original product that triggered cross-selling
Cross-sell productThe product that customers added to their order through AfterShip Personalization when purchasing the original product
Cross-sell order countThe number of orders that included the original product and the cross-sell product
RevenueThe total revenue generated by the cross-sell product
Product affinity rateThe percentage of orders for the original product which also included the cross-sell product. Shows how well a cross-sell product converted when shown with the original productProduct affinity rate = [cross-sell order count / order count]*100

To export the data for further analysis, click ↥ Export CSV to export the analytics report to your registered email address

Updated on: 06/08/2024

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