Articles on: Branded Returns Page

How to Customize the Branded Returns Page

Plans: All plans Platforms: All platforms


Customization has always been important from a business perspective because shoppers should be getting your brand feel when they visit any page of your store.

With AfterShip Returns, you can customize your returns page effortlessly under Returns page in the AfterShip Returns admin.

What you’ll learn

In this article, we will show you:

Customize your returns page
Publish or unpublish returns page
Hide returns page from search engines
Skip return pages
Additional solutions offered for branded returns page

Customize your returns page

Go to Customizations > Returns Page in AfterShip Returns admin.
Click Edit on the upper right-hand side of page.
Returns page editor offers you two main settings— Page content customization and Theme settings.
Select which part of the returns page you want to customize from the dropdown above. Return submission is a 6-step process with additional elements that makes it easier for customers to find the order, submit the request, and resolve it the way they deem appropriate.
Switch between different return process pages from the dropdown at the top of the editor to modify content for each separately.

Main flow of returns pageDefinition
Find orderWhere customers locate their order they want to return or the items within the order they want to return.
Select return itemWhere customer choose the item within the order to return.
Select resolutionWhere customers decide on the resolution method for the return.
Select return methodWhere customers pick how they want to ship the item back to the merchant.
Review requestWhere customers confirm and review their return request.
View request listWhere customers check the return request status.
Other pages in the returns page flow
Gift returnsWhere gift recipients can process returns for gifts they received from the customer who original bought the item.
Return policyWhere customers see the return policy of your store.
Error messagesView and edit error messages customers may encounter throughout the return submission process

Preview how your return pages look on desktop and mobile.
Customize the theme settings of each step and additional pages based on your goals.
You can edit the customer-facing content of each step of the return submission process and additional pages based on different languages by clicking the Localize option

Page content customization

For every page in the return process, different sections are supported to incorporate important information and receive customer preferences pivotal to proceed to the next stage of the process.

A. Find order page

Card title : Add a title for the order lookup popup.
Order lookup prompt : Edit text that will appear prompting the user to input the order number and email address/postal code to fetch the details of the order they wish to fully or partially return.
Start regular return button : Edit the call-to-action text prompting users to start the return process once the order details are added.
Start gift return button: Edit the call-to-action text prompting users to start the gift return process.
Return policy summary

Summarize your return policy in the given Text (Optional) field to give your customer clear knowledge of what makes a product eligible or ineligible for a return along with your company's refund and exchange policy.
Input the button text to prompt customers to review your return policy.
To edit the Button link and modify your existing returns policy content, click the Returns policy link.

Terms and conditions checkbox : Allow users to align with your terms and conditions of initiating a return request. If enabled, shoppers have to accept your terms and conditions first before submitting a return request.

Plans: Premium, Enterprise

Click Enabled radio button to activate terms and conditions checkbox on returns portal.
Add preferred text and policy link to redirect users.
Select the Pre-check the checkbox, if you want your terms and conditions to be checked by default.
Select Enabled to activate the view details pop-up window and input Title and Description of your company's terms and conditions.

Marketing assets: Add product recommendations on your order lookup widget to re-engage customers with your store and drive additional sales. Marketing assets will be shown only in the desktop mode.

Image size should be under 2 MB
Images are supported in JPG, PNG, JPEG, or GIF
Recommended image dimensions are 600 x 600px.
Add a destination URL for each marketing asset to redirect your store visitors to the detailed product page.
A total of 3 marketings assets can be added which will be displayed as a carousel.

Theme settings

Theme settings allows you to modify the look and feel of your return portal and align it with your brand style.

Theme style: Change the format and look of the UI of your returns page

Theme: We only support Basic theme style
Primary font: Set a font for the header, footer, and button. Choose the preferred font from the dropdown by selecting the opposing downward-facing arrows icon
Body font: Set a specific font for the main content of your returns page, choose it from the dropdown menu under Body font
Colors: Change the color for banners, buttons, and body text links.

Favicon: Showcase your brand logo as a favicon. AfterShip Returns logo will be shown in case you don’t upload yours as a favicon

Favicons are supported in ICO or PNG format
Recommended size and dimensions are under 50 KB and 32 x 32px respectively.

Header: The section of the returns page that appears in the top margin. Under Header settings, you are offered the following settings.

Store: The name of your store will be picked automatically, as it is already connected with the AfterShip Returns. However, you can change the store URL if you want to
Logo: Upload your brand logo in JPG, PNG, JPEG, or GIF format and keep its size under 2 MB. Set the logo size and position as per your preference
Menu: Click Add menu item if you want to show a dedicated menu on your returns page. Otherwise, let it be as is

Footer : The section of the returns page that appears in the bottom margin. Under Footer settings you are offer the following settings.

Social account: Add links to your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts
Page links: Add links to your Contact us, Terms, and Privacy pages

Background image: Add a background image that will show across all return request steps.

Suggested dimensions: 900(w) x 1400(h) pixels.
Maximum file size is 2 MB.
Accepted formats: JPG/JPEG, GIF, and PNG.

Once changes are done, click Save

Publish or unpublish branded returns page

By default your return page will be set to unpublished status. Once you are done editing the return page, you can either save the page in draft or publish it directly.

PublishPublishedThe returns page will be displayed to the customers normally (image 1)
Save draftUnpublishedThe link to the return page will show page not found status (image 2)

You can also publish/unpublish the return page from the main return page dashboard. Just click the {...} icon and select the desired option.

Hide returns page from search engines

By default, the option will be disabled. You can check the Hide returns page from search engines (Takes 1-2 weeks to apply) to not display the returns page on the search engines. The feature will come into effect depending on the search engine.

Skip return pages

For return Select resolution and Select return method pages, where customers are required to select how they wish to resolve the return request and ship the items back, you can choose to skip both the pages for customers if only one option is available.

For example, if you have only offered customers to ship their items back with a prepaid return label, the option would be auto-selected and the step to select a return method would be skipped.

Go to Select resolution > Resolution options and for Select return method page, go to Return methods.
Select the checkbox for Skip this page for customers when only one resolution is available.

If selected, the resolution and shipping method selection page will be bypassed, giving customers a quick request submission experience.
If unchecked, the customers still need to select the available option for both the steps to proceed forward.

What other solutions are offered for branded returns page?

Set up returns page in multiple languages
Set up a custom domain
Embed returns page in your store
Connect Google Analytics to monitor returns page sessions


1. How to remove protected by reCAPTCHA from the returns page?

The Returns Page uses reCAPTCHA to verify whether the user is a robot. When allowing the use of the shipping postal code to find an order, the validation depends on the user’s environment and the presence of reCAPTCHA. reCAPTCHA is necessary in this scenario because shipping postal codes are generally short and susceptible to brute-force attacks. If the customer wants to disable the validation, they can simply turn off the Find order by shipping postal code option.

Go to Return Policy > Order lookup in your AfterShip Returns admin
Unselect Shipping postal code under Allow customers to find orders by option and hit Save

In case you need any help regarding customization or want the AfterShip Returns branding removed from your page, contact our chat support team now.

Updated on: 14/08/2024

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