Articles on: Refunds and exchanges

Set Up Replace With the Same Item Resolution Settings

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Customers want products, not refunds. Even if they are not fully satisfied with the product they received, they would still prefer a simple exchange with a better alternative instead of returning it altogether. This simple barter is convenient for them and beneficial for your brand and cash flow.

AfterShip Returns’ Replace with the same item exchange option offers customers to opt for

Same-priced variants: Exchanging a shirt in size Medium for a size Large or a shirt in Red for a shirt in Blue color of the same price.
Different-priced variants: Exchanging a variant for a variant set at a different price point.

Upsell: Exchanging a shoe in size 12 originally bought for $18 for a shoe in size 13 priced at $19.
Downsell: Exchange a shoe in size 12 originally bought for $18 for a shoe in size 11 priced at $15.

Charge upsell amount or cost of return: You can easily manage how you wish to settle the upsell amount or cost of return during the exchange process by conveniently setting up the Stripe or Shopify checkout method.

What you’ll learn

In this tutorial, we will show you:

Configure replace with the same item settings
Supported variant options

Only allow exchanges for same-priced variants
Allow exchange for different price variant
Use a text box for customers to enter their desired variant

Additional options for Allow exchange for different price variant option
Cost of return checkout

Configure replace with the same item settings

Go to Refunds and exchanges in the AfterShip Returns admin.
Go to the Replace with the same item section.
Click Set up to enter the configuration window of this resolution option.

On the Replace with the same item configuration window, edit the customer-facing content, including the title and description.
Move to the Variant options to set up which variants customers can exchange their original order for and how the price difference settlement will be done.
Under the Cost of return checkout tab, manage how you charge for exchange orders, including the cost of return and exchange shipping by setting up the preferred method of checkout.

If this exchange option is enabled, the customers will see the option under the Select resolution page when customers raise a return request to exchange items for other variants of the same item via the AfterShip Returns page.

Supported variant options

A. Only allow exchanges for same-priced variants


Original Purchase:

You bought Item A for $100.
You received a $20 discount on this item. You paid $80 after applying the discount.

Returning and exchanging the original item:

You want to return Item A, which was originally priced at $100 before applying the $20 discount.
You want to exchange it for Item B, which also costs $100.

Key points of the new exchange logic

Same price exchange:

You can only exchange an item for another item of the same price. In this example, both Item A and Item B are priced at $100, so they meet this criterion.

Ignoring the original discount:

The discount you originally received ($20 in this case) will not be considered in the exchange process and only the original price of the items will be considered.
This means the exchange process does not take into account any discount you had previously. It only considers the current price of the item you are exchanging for.

Comparing prices:

You must consider the original price of the item you are exchanging the current item for, in this case Item B which is priced at $100 to determine any additional/ difference amount you need to pay at the time of exchange, even you originally paid $80 for Item A due to the discount. So, in this case, you'll need to pay the full price of Item B, which is $100.


Original Order: Item A with a discount = $100- $20 = $80 paid.
Exchange item: Item B = $100.

Additional payment required: You need to pay $100 (price of Item B) minus the $0 (since the return of Item A effectively nullifies the previous payment). Thus, you'll pay an additional $20 to cover the difference between the item prices. That means you return the discounted item and buy the new item at its full current price.

B. Allow exchange for different price variant

This option allows greater flexibility in handling exchanges when the new item (variant) has a different price compared to the original item.

1. Exchange variant price restriction

No restrictions: When exchanging the original item for a new product variant, any price change is allowed—more, less, or the same as the price of the original variant.
Less than the original variant: When exchanging the original item for a new product variant, the new variant’s price must be lower than the price of the original variant.
No more than the original variant: When exchanging the original item for a new product variant, the new variant’s price cannot be higher, i.e. same or less than the price of the original variant.

2. Returning and exchanging the original item

When you are returning the original item for a different priced item, you can decide how you wish to handle the exchange process in one of two ways:

Even exchange: This option will treat the exchange as if the items are of equal value, regardless of the actual price difference (more or less than the price of the original item(variant)).
Charge/refund the price difference: This option will adjust the cost difference by charging or refunding the price difference between the original and the new item.

If you are not treating differently-priced exchanges as even exchanges and opting to charge or refund via AfterShip Returns, you need to Add a checkout method to process exchanges.

2. Handling price difference

You can decide how you want to handle the price difference between the original and the new item.

Via AfterShip Returns: We will manage the price adjustments for you. You must set return checkout method for AfterShip Return to charge or refund the price difference.

Via other platforms (Handle it yourself): This option allows you to manually manage the price adjustments, which includes working directly with payment processors like Stripe or Shopify.


1. Treat uneven exchange as even exchange

You bought Item A for $100.
You want to exchange it for Item B, which also costs $120.

Scenario 1: Return Item A

You are returning Item A and exchanging it for Item B. You don't need to pay any additional cost nor any refund will be processed since the even exchange policy will consider the price of both the original item and the new item as the same, irrespective of the price difference.

Scenario 2: Return Item B

You are returning Item B and exchanging it for Item A. You don't need to pay any additional cost nor any refund will be processed since the even exchange policy will consider the price of both the original item and the new item as the same, irrespective of the price difference.

2. Charge/refund uneven exchange with AfterShip Returns

You bought Item A for $100.
You want to exchange it for Item B, which also costs $120.

Scenario 1: Return Item A

You return Item A and exchange it for Item B. You need to pay the additional $20 charge to cover the price difference.

Scenario 2: Return Item B

You return Item B and exchange it for Item A. You receive a $20 refund to account for the price difference.

AfterShip Returns manages these transactions automatically and make the required adjustments for you.

You need to Add a checkout method to charge upsell amount or initiate refund via AfterShip Returns for the differently-priced variants.

3: Charge/refund uneven exchange via other platforms (Handle it yourself)

You bought Item A for $100.
You want to exchange it for Item B, which also costs $120.

Scenario A: Return Item A

You return Item A and exchange it for Item B. AfterShip Returns will ignore the $20 price difference and you will not be charged the additional $20 charge automatically. You need to handle the price difference on your own.

Scenario B: Return Item B

You return Item B and exchange it for Item A. AfterShip Returns will ignore the $20 refund amount and $20 refund will not initiated automatically. You need to handle the refund on your own (manually).

Give pre-discount for uneven exchanges with AfterShip Returns

When a shopper wants to exchange an item for another item that is priced differently, the pre-discount feature helps manage how discounts are applied during the exchange process. This feature is specifically relevant when settling uneven exchanges (price difference) with AfterShip Returns.

When enabled, the feature allows you to apply the same discount that was originally applied to the item being returned, even when exchanging for a different item, ensuring consistency in how discounts are applied.

Enable pre-discount feature on Exchange for other items configuration page to offer the same discount of original item for variant exchange.



You bought Item A for $100.
You received a $20 discount on this item. You paid $80 after applying the discount.
You want to return Item A and exchange it for Item B, which costs $120.

Scenario 1. Uneven exchange with AfterShip Returns and pre-discount enabled

If you are returning Item A in exchange for Item B

Based on the above example if the pre-discount is enabled, the system will factor in the originally received $20 discount on the original item. You will be charged the difference between the discounted price of Item A ($80) and the full price of Item B ($120), which is $40. However, since the pre-discount feature is enabled, the additional $20 discount is considered and you only need to pay an additional $20 ($120 - $80 - $20).

If you are returning Item B in exchange for Item A

When returning Item B and exchanging it for Item A, you will receive a refund after factoring in the original discount provided on Item A. Since Item A was originally priced at $100 with a $20 discount (you paid $80) and you are returning Item B which was $120, the system will refund the difference ($20) accounting for the pre-discount value and the remaining $20 refund will initiated to you.

Scenario 2: Uneven exchange with AfterShip Returns and pre-discount disabled

If you are returning Item A in exchange for Item B

You are returning Item A for which you paid $80, originally priced at $100 with a $20 discount. If the pre-discount is disabled, the system does not apply the original discount to the new item. That is you will be charged the full price difference between Item A's discounted price ($80) and Item B's full price ($120), which is $40.

If you are returning Item B in exchange for Item A

You are returning Item B and exchanging it for Item A, the refund is processed without considering the original discount. Since Item A was originally priced at $100 with a $20 discount (paid $80), and Item B was priced at $120, you receive a $20 refund because it only accounts for the price difference between the original price of both the items without applying the original discount.

C. Use a text box for customers to enter their desired variant

When this option is selected in your AfterShip Returns admin under the Replace with the same item settings, the customers will be provided with a text box where they can type in the details of the variant they want in exchange of the original item.

The customers won’t see the option to select variants from the predefined list or options. Instead, they must use the given text box and write a note specifying the item or variant they want. This means shoppers have to provide additional information manually to facilitate the exchange.

AfterShip Returns will not be able to create an exchange order for the return request created when the text box option is enabled because the customer cannot select any item and consequently, no SKU will be recorded in our system.

This exchange note will display on the RMA detail page in the Resolution section.

Additional options when Allow exchange for different price variant is enabled

1. Only show allowed and in-stock variants

This option is specific to the Exchange variant price restriction feature. Based on the option selected under the price restrictions, the variants that are qualified for exchange and are in stock will be displayed during the return submission process.

With "No restrictions", all variants are shown regardless of price changes, as any price adjustment is permitted.
With "Less than the original variant", only variants priced lower than the original are shown.
With "No more than the original variant", variants priced at or below the original are displayed.

2. Allow customers to leave a note for their exchange

You can give customers the option to leave a note for the exchange request they are raising if they wish to convey additional information to you regarding the RMA. They can add this note while selecting the variant they are exchanging their current item for. The exchange note will display on the RMA detail page in the Resolution section.

D. Cost of return checkout

You can levy a charge when a customer returns a purchased item to cover the shipping, restocking and return process fee or any potential losses associated with the returns.

You can set up zone-specific cost of return for different return shipping methods under the Return routing rules.

Once the cost of return is set up, proceed with how you charge customers this additional charge when they submit the return request.

Click Manage to access the Checkout methods configuration window and proceed with the set up.

Learn to configure checkout methods for charging exchange orders, including the cost of return and exchange shipping in this article .

Supported plans

Treat uneven exchange as even exchangeAll paid plans
Charge/refund uneven exchange with AfterShip ReturnsPremium and Enterprise plan
Charge/refund uneven exchange via other platforms (Handle it yourself)All paid plans
Use a text box for customers to enter their desired variantFree and paid plans

Supported platforms

Treat uneven exchange as even exchangeShopify
Charge/refund uneven exchange with AfterShip ReturnsShopify
Charge/refund uneven exchange via other platforms (Handle it yourself)Shopify, SFCC, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce
Use a text box for customers to enter their desired variantAll platforms

Updated on: 11/09/2024

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