Articles on: Review Widgets

How to Remove Review Widgets During App Uninstallation

Plans: All plans Platforms: Shopify


If, for some reason, you are planning to uninstall the AfterShip Reviews app, you need to make sure all the widget settings are disabled and removed from your theme to ensure they are not visible on your store.

What you’ll learn

In this tutorial, we’ll show you:

How to disable the relevant widgets
How to disable the relevant codes

Disable the relevant widgets

Disable the Star rating widget here

Disable the Reviews widget here
Disable the Featured reviews widget here
Disable the Reviews side tab here

Remove the relevant codes

If you have already uninstalled the application, please follow the steps below to remove the codes and ensure the review widgets aren’t visible anymore.

Remove the common code to show widgets

Log in to your Shopify admin account
Click Sales channels > Online store > Themes > Edit code

Search for the following files


Delete the above files if they exist

Remove other code blocks (Optional)

Please check the below code blocks that might be inserted into your theme. You could search and delete them manually, one by one.

Reviews widget

Version 1

<!--BEGIN_AS_REVIEWS:production:product_page_reviews-->{% if content_for_header contains "/reviews\/v1\/sdk.js" %} <div id="automizely_reviews_carousel_v2_production" data-pid="{{}}" data-oid="{{shop.metafields.automizely_reviews.oid}}" data-sprw="{{shop.metafields.automizely_reviews.sprw}}" ></div> {% endif %} <div id="automizely_reviews_carousel" style="display: none"></div> <!--END_AS_REVIEWS:production:product_page_reviews-->

Version 2

<!--BEGIN_AS_REVIEWS:production:product_reviews_widget--> {% render 'asrv-product-reviews-widget' %} <!--END_AS_REVIEWS:production:product_reviews_widget-->

Star rating widget for product page

Version 1

<!--BEGIN_AM_REVIEWS:production:PRODUCT_TITLE_STAR_WIDGET-->{% if shop.metafields.automizely_reviews.show_stars_under_product_name == 'true' %}<div id="automizely_reviews_product_detail_title_star_widget" data-product-id="{{ }}" data-ratings="{{ product.metafields.automizely_reviews.ratings }}" data-raters="{{ product.metafields.automizely_reviews.raters }}" > </div>{% endif %}<!--END_AM_REVIEWS:production:PRODUCT_TITLE_STAR_WIDGET-->

Version 2

<!--BEGIN_AS_REVIEWS:production:PRODUCT_TITLE_STAR_WIDGET--> {% render 'asrv-star-widget' , product: product %} <!--END_AS_REVIEWS:production:PRODUCT_TITLE_STAR_WIDGET-->

Star rating widget for the collection page

Version 1

<!--BEGIN_AM_REVIEWS:production:PRODUCT_COLLECTION_STAR_WIDGET-->{% if shop.metafields.automizely_reviews.show_stars_under_product_name == 'true' %}<div class="automizely_reviews_product_collection_star_widget" data-product-id="{{ }}" data-ratings="{{ product.metafields.automizely_reviews.ratings }}" data-raters="{{ product.metafields.automizely_reviews.raters }}" ></div>{% endif %} <!--END_AM_REVIEWS:production:PRODUCT_COLLECTION_STAR_WIDGET-->

Version 2

<!--BEGIN_AS_REVIEWS:production:PRODUCT_COLLECTION_STAR_WIDGET--> {% render 'asrv-star-widget' , product: product, size: 14 , anchor: false %} <!--END_AS_REVIEWS:production:PRODUCT_COLLECTION_STAR_WIDGET-->

Featured review widget

Version 1

<div id="automizely_reviews_featured-review--production"></div>

Version 2

<div id="aftership_reviews_featured-review--production"></div>

All reviews widget

<!--BEGIN_AS_REVIEWS:production:product_reviews_widget--> {% render 'asrv-all-reviews-widget' %} <!--END_AS_REVIEWS:production:product_reviews_widget-->

Google review snippet

<!--BEGIN_AM_REVIEWS:production:google_search_snippet--> {% if shop.metafields.automizely_reviews.google_search_snippet_enabled == 'true' and product.metafields.automizely_reviews.google_search_snippet_raters != blank and product.metafields.automizely_reviews.google_search_snippet_raters != '0' %} 	<script type="application/ld+json"> 	{ 		"@context": "", 		"@type": "Product", 		"@id": {{ canonical_url | json }}, 		"aggregateRating": { 			"@type": "AggregateRating", 			"ratingValue": "{{ product.metafields.automizely_reviews.google_search_snippet_ratings }}", 			"reviewCount": "{{ product.metafields.automizely_reviews.google_search_snippet_raters }}" 		}, 		"name": {{ product.title | json }}, 		"image": "https:{{ product.featured_image | image_url }}",		"offers": [ 		{%- for variant in product.variants -%} 		{ 		"@type" : "Offer", 		{%- if variant.sku != blank -%} 		"sku": {{ variant.sku | json }}, 		{%- endif -%} 		"availability" : "{% if variant.available %}InStock{% else %}OutOfStock{% endif %}", 		"price" : {{ variant.price | divided_by: 100.00 | json }}, 		"priceCurrency" : {{ cart.currency.iso_code | json }}, 		"url" : {{ shop.url | append: variant.url | json }} 		}{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %} 		{%- endfor -%} 		] 	} 	</script> 	{% endif %} <!--END_AM_REVIEWS:production:google_search_snippet-->

If you have any queries, feel free to connect with our support team for quick assistance.

Updated on: 20/12/2024

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