Articles on: Shipper Account

Get Credentials to Access Deutsche Post DHL Shipping API

AfterShip Shipping is the best multi-carrier shipping software and API that enables you to automate shipping processes across USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, and 100+ other couriers. Get the required credentials and access Deutsche Post DHL shipping API via AfterShip Shipping in just a few steps.

Get Deutsche Post DHL Developer Credentials

Create a Deutsche Post DHL account
Go to the “Release & operation” section under the “APIs” tab and create a new application under the “APIs” section - Release & operation.
Enter the required details
Enable operations that you’d be using. To successfully print/cancel labels from AfterShip Shipping, enable the below-mentioned operations under “Geschäftskundenversand/Business customer shipment”


Save changes and note down the application ID
Click the “Request approval” button, read the conditions, and check the “Approval conditions read and satisfied” checkbox. Click “Complete approval request”.

Click the “Create token” button to generate a token and note it down

Required Deutsche Post DHL API credentials

(You can display or generate these after the release of your application for live use under My Applications)

Account numberAccount number
PasswordApplication token

Optional Deutsche Post DHL API credentials

Receiver ID: Required for Retoure service. If you have multiple receiver ID for different countries, can fill in all of them in one shipper account with the format:
{3-letter country code1}:{$receiver_id1}, {3-letter country code2}:{$receiver_id2}[etc.]

For example:

case 1: DEU:deu,FRA:fra
case 2: DEU:YourReceiverId (In this case, your receiver ID in DHL is: Your Receiver Id)

Please note the values are case sensitive and not allow space.

If you want to use Retoure service but don't fill up the receiver ID, it will throw error as: "Error: Receiver ID is required for shipment from DEU"

Check your country code here

Deutsche Post DHL developer resources

API docs
Accepted service types

Updated on: 22/12/2023

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