Articles on: Tracking & Status

Learn About Shipment Tracking Using a Test Slug

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AfterShip facilitates tracking for over 1100 carriers, streamlining shipment monitoring for users. If you're unsure how AfterShip aids in tracking shipments, you can create a test shipment using a designated test slug and tracking number. This allows you to familiarize yourself with how we share details for each checkpoint and update post-purchase Estimated Delivery Dates (EDDs). This guide will walk you through the necessary steps.

Be careful while creating test shipments because they do use your shipment quota.

Steps to use a test slug

Note: You can use a test shipment imported by CSV or API. The below-given steps explain how to create one directly in AfterShip admin.

Log in to your AfterShip account > Go to Tracking dashboards > Shipments and click Add shipment

Important info

Tracking numbers follow a predefined format: Status code - Update frequency (in mins) - Test number

Below are some test tracking numbers you can experiment with:


Status codes

The letters at the start of the shipment number will cause the test shipment to generate different statuses for you to see. Below are the explanations of which statuses each one will create:

ITOD: Info received - In transit - Out for delivery - Delivered
ITE: Info received - In transit - Exception
ITAD: Info received - In transit - Available for pickup - Delivered
ITFD: Info received - In transit - Fail attempt - Delivered
TOD: In transit - Out for delivery - Delivered
ITD: Info received - In transit - Delivered
TD: In transit - Delivered
I: Stay in Info received
T: Stay in In transit
O: Stay in Out for delivery
F: Stay in Failed attempt
D: Stay in Delivered
A: Stay in Available for pickup
E: Stay in Exception

EDD Value

The post-purchase Estimated Delivery Date (EDD) for test shipments will be generated using the Carrier EDD. This value will be updated in each status to reflect both the Carrier EDD and the post-purchase EDD.

Update frequency

The next number tells the system how quickly you want it to update the shipment status. So if you select ITOD as the status code and add the number “3”, it will change the status from “Pending“ to “Info received” to “In transit” to “Out for delivery” and then to “Delivered” every 3 mins. You can choose any frequency between 1 and 20 minutes.

Test number

The last part is just a string of numbers that will act as the shipment number. Enter a random set of better 6-16 numbers.

Now, you should be able to create your own test shipment number.

After entering the shipment number, mention “testing-courier” as the carrier slug
Now, if you want to provide other details, go ahead. Otherwise, skip this part to save yourself some time. This won’t cause any errors
Click Save shipment

Again, go back to the Shipments page and click on the test shipment (created with the test tracking number and slug) to check how we show details to you


Always use the testing slug testing-courier when creating a test shipment. It is crucial to input this slug because the tracking will not auto-update otherwise.
A test shipment number can only be used once. We shared a few test tracking numbers above with you, just as an example. If you've used any of them and are seeing the final status, it means some another AfterShip user has already tried it. So, replace the last part of the test tracking number with another random string of 6-16 numbers or a-z alphabets and try again.

API sample


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'aftership-api-key: xxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "tracking": {
        "slug": "testing-courier",
        "tracking_number": "ITOD-3-qwertyuiop12345"

API description

    "tracking": {
        "slug": "testing-courier",
        "tracking_number": "ITOD-3-qwertyuiop12345"

Still have questions about shipment tracking? Discuss them with our chat support team.

Updated on: 21/06/2024

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