Articles on: Analytics

Shipment Analytics Key Performance Indicators


This article will help you understand the key performance indicators (KPIs) used in shipment analytics. The knowledge and understanding of these metrics are essential for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of your shipping operations.

Metric Definition

Time-based metrics are typically calculated using calendar days by default. If required, you can adjust your settings to account for business days instead.

Total shipments (Created shipments)The total number of shipments created across all statuses. Deleted shipments are not included.
Tracked shipmentsThe number of shipments in all statuses, excluding expired and pending.
Delivered shipmentsThe number of shipments in delivered status.
Delivery rateThe percentage of delivered shipments.Delivery rate = (Delivered shipments ÷ Tracked shipments) × 100%
Pending rateThe percentage of shipments that are either pending or expired.Pending rate = (Pending or expired shipments ÷ Created shipments) × 100%
Average order to delivery timeThe average number of days from order placement to delivery for all delivered shipments, calculated at the shipment level. Note: This is calculated only when processing time, pickup time, and transit time are all available.1. For a single shipment: Order to delivery = Processing time + Pickup time + Transit time
2. Average Order to delivery = Total Order to delivery days ÷ Number of shipments with non-null order-to-delivery time
Average processing timeThe average number of days from when a shipment is ordered to when it is processed by the merchant, calculated at the shipment level.1. For a single shipment: Processing time = Ship date - Order date
2. Average Processing time = Total shipment processing days ÷ Number of shipments with non-null processing time
Average pickup timeThe average number of days from when a shipment is processed to when it is picked up by the carrier, calculated at the shipment level.1. For a single shipment: Pickup time = Pickup date - Ship date 2. Average pickup time = Total shipment pickup days ÷ Number of shipments with non-null pickup time
2. Average pickup time = Total shipment pickup days ÷ Number of shipments with non-null pickup time
Average transit timeThe average number of days from when a shipment is picked up to when it is delivered.1. Transit time = Delivered date - Pickup date
2. Average transit time = Total transit time ÷ Number of shipments with non-null transit time
P50 transit timeThe median (50th percentile) transit time for all delivered shipments.
P85 transit timeThe 85th percentile transit time for all delivered shipments.
P95 transit timeThe 95th percentile transit time for all delivered shipments.
Minimum transit timeThe shortest transit time recorded among all delivered shipments.
Maximum transit timeThe longest transit time recorded among all delivered shipments.
Ordered shipmentsThe number of shipments with a recorded order date.
Shipped shipmentsThe number of shipments that have been processed by merchants and ready for carrier pickup.
Picked up shipmentsThe number of shipments that have been picked up by the carrier.
Shipments with EDDThe number of tracked shipments that have an original Estimated Delivery Date (EDD) value.
EDD coverage (Original EDD)The percentage of tracked shipments that have an Original EDD value.EDD coverage (Original EDD) = (Tracked shipments with Original EDD ÷ Tracked shipments) × 100%
Early shipmentsThe number of shipments with an "early" on-time status (first delivery attempt before the original EDD).
On-time shipmentsThe number of shipments with an "on-time" status (first delivery attempt on the original EDD).
Late shipmentsThe number of shipments with a "late" status (first delivery attempt after the original EDD).
Trending early shipmentsThe number of shipments with a "trending early" status (current EDD is earlier than the original EDD).
Trending on-time shipmentsThe number of shipments with a "trending on-time" status (current EDD matches the original EDD).
Trending late shipmentsThe number of shipments with a "trending late" status (current EDD is later than the original EDD).
Overdue shipmentsThe number of shipments with an "overdue" status (original EDD is later than today and there's no updated EDD).
On-time or early rateThe percentage of tracked shipments with first delivery attempt on or before the original EDD.On-time or early rate = (On-time shipments + Early shipments) ÷ (On-time + Early + Late shipments) × 100%
Exception shipmentsThe number of shipments that had an exception.
Exception rateThe percentage of shipments that had an exception.Exception rate = (Shipments with an exception ÷ Tracked shipments) × 100%
Lost shipmentsThe number of shipments labeled as lost in the checkpoint message.
Damaged shipmentsThe number of shipments labeled as damaged in the checkpoint message.
Returned to sender shipmentsThe number of shipments labeled as returned to sender in the checkpoint message.

Updated on: 16/09/2024

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