Articles on: Upgraded Notifications (Upcoming)

How to Set Up AfterShip Email Flows

Plans: Enterprise Platforms: Shopify, API


AfterShip provides user-friendly email flows for sending branded email notifications at various delivery stages. This guide offers essential details for crafting effective email templates.

What you’ll learn

In this article, we will discuss how to:

Create and edit email flow
Customize email content

Create and edit email flow

Log into your AfterShip Tracking admin dashboard
Go to Notifications > Flows
Select the flow that you want to customize the email content for
Click Edit

If you want to create a new event.
Click Create flow.
Select the event that you want to customize the email for

In the flow editor, select Send email > Edit

Customize email content

In the Settings column:

Edit the name for the email notification
Customize the email subject according to your choice
Customize the sender’s info

You can use an unverified domain. However, we recommend you to use verified domain to send emails as it will help in increasing the delivery rate.

In the Content column:

Header: Add your store logo, store name and destination URL.
Image with text: In this block, there are three sections

Image: You can edit the hero image of the email body, set its width, and input the destination URL.
Text: You can edit the Title and Description as per your choice. You can also use merge tags to share more relevant info with customers.
Button: You can edit the text of the track button, for example, “Track order status”. Also, put the tracking link as the destination URL.

Text: In this block, you can mention the additional information and also use merge tags.

Shipment items: In this block, you can show which items customers are going to receive in your email. Set the header along with the image size and shape. Customize the content and set the color of the shipment background as well as the section background.

Image: In this block, you can add any image with the preferred width and make it clickable as well.
Button: In this block, you can add more buttons to your email content, if required. Just give your button a name and add the desired URL. You can also adjust the Border radius, Font and Color of the button.

Text links: In this block, you can add clickable text as per your requirements and also keep the sequence vertical or horizontal.
Social links: In this block, you can add social platform icons with the destination URL, such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. Set Icon shape and Color.

Product documents: In this block, there are three sections:

Text: In this section, you can edit the Title and Description.
Document type: In this section, you can choose to display files or videos which are linked to the items customers are going to receive.
Button: In this section, you can edit the text of the button and also, put the destination URL.

In the Styles column:

You can customize the Font and Color of the Email, Text, Button, Header and the Footer.

In case you need any further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.

Updated on: 11/12/2023

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